
Flea market

Guten Abend! :)

At the weekend we were on a flea market here in a neigbour town. We were actually to sell there, but I always (or almost always) can't go away without buying smth for myself ^_____^ This time you can see my catch in the pics: 5 small pearl chains with Hematite, a Fluorite (or Amethyst) bracelet, a lampwork bracelet, an interesting biju-chain with big glass-beads, a damaged chain with ehm.. bone-beads and a tooth >___<, some small cabochons and just stones in a vintage cardboard-box (the box itself is rather shabby but I like it), a sweet ceramic cup and 4 handmade and signed pictures (1 is damaged..)

All the stones and beads I'm going to use in hand-made. We'll see what comes! ;)


  1. Hello Katrin!

    These are some real nice finds. Hope you had a nice time at the Flea market :)

    1. Namaste!!!

      It is nice of you that you check my profile ^____^
