
Luzifers Hofgesind. Eine Reise zu den guten Geistern Europas.

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Aus der Provence in deutsches Land
Ward uns die rechte Mär gesandt:
Da Luzifer zur Höll’ entschwand
Mit seiner Schar, der Mensch entstand.
Bedenkt, was Luzifer errang
Mitsamt den Kampfgenossen sein!
Sie waren unschuldsvoll und rein…
by Wolfram von Eschenbach

Rarely I've started my favourite book again. It fascinated me for the first time in 2009, I enjoyed reading the book (in Russian) while travelling to Germany. I fell in love with the style and content at first sight! And already somewhere in the middle of the journey it occured to me that I have to make his journey, too. The idea has been settled in my head and I couldn't get it out of my mind. You know sometimes it disappeared for a while but after a while it turned up again, like reminding me about forgetting something very important! Of course, I can't say now if I succeed in making my idea come true, but I deciced to start with refreshing my memories and rereading the work with inspired my restless heart. Now I'm happy that I can read in German!

By the way the book's name in the original is in the title. In English it's name is "Lucifer's Court". Don't be frightened about its name :) It has nothing to do with satanists or something like that. The book is a kind of diary that was taken during a journey through Europe following the path of Graal. It tells us the author's version about what the St. Graal is, where it came from and where it may be kept now. In accordance to that the author tells us many middle-aged stories dealing with this sacred subject. This journey really took place, it's now a fiction. And what is especially interesting for me is linguistic links in the text. I love that ^_____^

And a passage from the book (sorry I have only the German version..)

Today it reads about Percival the Author's knight:

Der Herausgeber meiner »Parzival«-Ausgabe meint, Wolframs Gralsburg müsse in den Pyrenäen liegen. Ortsangaben, wie Aragon und Katelangen (Katalonien), mögen ihn zu dieser Meinung veranlaßt haben. Die Pyrenäenbauern haben also nicht unrecht, wenn sie ihre Ruine Montségur die Burg des Saint-Graal sein lassen. Und der Schnee, durch den der Gralssucher Parzival sein Roß traben lassen mußte, um endlich zur Burg des Heils zu gelangen, kann sehr wohl Pyrenäenschnee gewesen sein. Der Name Munsalvatsche, den Wolfram als einziger der Gralsburg gab, bedeutet, wie viele annehmen, Wildenberg.


Weekly postcrossing

This week I got 4 beautiful cards (one of them with a Russian postcrossing stamp!)
I like all of them, but fairly speaking the little mole is my favourite ^____^

We have such bad weather that I can't even go walking to the nearest forest :( Hope it'll be better tomorrow! Now I'm almost ready with the endless household issues (I only have to wash the dishes for now!) and can enjoy my spare time :)

Have a nice weekend!


Flea market

Guten Abend! :)

At the weekend we were on a flea market here in a neigbour town. We were actually to sell there, but I always (or almost always) can't go away without buying smth for myself ^_____^ This time you can see my catch in the pics: 5 small pearl chains with Hematite, a Fluorite (or Amethyst) bracelet, a lampwork bracelet, an interesting biju-chain with big glass-beads, a damaged chain with ehm.. bone-beads and a tooth >___<, some small cabochons and just stones in a vintage cardboard-box (the box itself is rather shabby but I like it), a sweet ceramic cup and 4 handmade and signed pictures (1 is damaged..)

All the stones and beads I'm going to use in hand-made. We'll see what comes! ;)


Hej! Det är Snusmumrik.

I stitched at the weekend. Not much... And I haven't even finished the pattern, but here he is, Snusmumtik ^_____^ I love it - to stitch not on canvas.. I think that any work looks better on it and a kind of authentically <3

Have a nice week!


A few words about everything

Today I was going to ride a bicycle nearby in the area, making photos of beautiful flowers and watching animals and birds in binoculars.. but the weather is so dull.. ah, and I also wanted to plant a few herbs.. heh. Today is not the best day for alls my plans!

This week I got only totally beautiful cards by the postcrossing exchange :) It warms my heart a little.

And today (or tomorrow) I send my first card with embroidery elements in official postcrossing. The woman writes that she loves handicrafts as well, so I thought she may like my small appendix to the card :D Her it is:

Since last week I'm into languages again! :) Now it's Swedish, better speak it is again Swedish! I startet learning it in the 11th form at school, but I was such a lazybones, that I have never brought it up to a decent level.. Soo, maybe now ^___^ By the way I'm doing it with www.duolingo.com Swedish from English. I'm already on the level 7 there.. I find the course rather good but not without
some disadvantages as e.g. too many repetitions, too little vocabulary and some stupid English wording. But it's still nice for me and I'm going on everyday a little. What's good on the course - it reminds you to revise some material you weren't really good at, and I should say it helps ^_____^ 

Hej! Jag har en katt. Hon är svart och vitt. Jag tycker om henne! <3
Jag tycker om djur och fåglar.
Jag är vegetarian. Vegetarianer äter inte kött. Jag är mot kött!
Det finns en särskild vegetarisk meny. 


Easter handmade

Some Easter handmade from me this weekend :)
One of the greeting cards is already sent out in an envelope!
And the bunny on the towel should get a neighbour riding a carrot (if I get it, because all the half-cross-stitches made me really crazy!)